- What paper do you read? 你看什么报纸?
- What kind of newspapers do you read? 你读什么样的报纸?
- Do you read your stars in the paper? 你读不读报上的星象版,给自己算命?
- What paper do you take? 你订什麽报纸?
- What versions of English Bibles do you read? 你读哪个版本的英语圣经?
- Editor-in-Chief:What kind do you read? 总编:你一般读哪一类书?。
- Did you read her piece in today's paper? 你看过今天报纸上她那篇文章吗?
- Do you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen? 你读过关于营救两个渔民的文章吗?
- Do you read the rules about what to do in case of a fire? 你读了关于出现火情时该如何办的条例了吗?
- What other types of literary works do you read besides novels? 除了小说以外,你还读其他体裁的文学作品吗?
- What is written in the Law?"he replied."How do you read it? 耶稣对他说:“律法上写的是什麽?你念的是怎样呢?
- And He said to him, What is written in the law? How do you read it? 耶稣对他说,律法上写的是什么?你是怎么念的?
- Why do you read that worthless rag? 你为什么看这种没有价值的报纸?
- Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm? 你看到报纸上的新闻了吗 ,malcolm?
- Do you read the p.s. at the end of the letter? 你看了信末的附笔没有?
- How much paper did you use last term? 上学期你们用了多少纸张?
- What book did you read when you were young ? 你年轻时候爱读什么书?
- Do you assimilate all that you read? 你彻底了解你所阅读的一切吗?
- What did you think when you read about the brawl? 当你在报上读到英国球迷打架时,你想到了什么?
- How do you read the present situation? 你对当前的形势怎样看?